OCBC Life Goals


Children's Education Goal Calculator

Whether your child studies abroad or decides to do this locally, you can prepare for his or her education with OCBC Life Goals.

Your Child’s Education Plan

Understanding your child’s education goal
Which stage of education do you plan for?
What is your child’s name?
What is your child’s age?
Education cost related to Science or Medicine
Twinning/Transfer Programme overseas
Tuition fees
in 15 years
RM 168,000
Cost today is RM 81,000
Tuition fees
in 15 years
RM 168,000
Cost today is RM 81,000
Tuition fees
in 15 years
RM 168,000
Cost today is RM 81,000
United Kingdom
Tuition fees
in 15 years
RM 168,000
Cost today is RM 81,000
New Zealand
Tuition fees
in 15 years
RM 168,000
Cost today is RM 81,000
Tuition fees
in 15 years
RM 168,000
Cost today is RM 81,000
United States
Tuition fees 1
in 15 years
RM 168,000
Cost today is RM 81,000
Your child’s expected international school fees
Source of international school fees
  1. The average yearly and total tuition fees for International School (Lower Range) are based on the average tuition fees released by Regent International School, Sayfol International School, Beaconhouse International School and Maz International School.
  2. The average tuition fees for International School (Higher Range) are based on tuition fees released by Garden International School, IGB International School, The Alice Smith School and Mont Kiara International School, International School of Kuala Lumpur and The British International School.
Estimated fees in 9 years,
Today’s fees
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For 's

You will need to set aside RM0 in 0 years.

Age 0
Age 0
How much would I need  
Edit education plan
 How was this calculated?
The following assumptions are used in the calculation of your child's education goal:
  1. General disclaimer on cost: The OCBC Children Education Calculator is designed to provide only a general illustration of potential future education cost based on information provided by you and does not take into consideration your specific investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs. The illustration shall not be regarded as recommendation nor advice by the Bank. The actual cost may vary depending on economic situations. The information and analysis provided by this calculator are based on various assumptions, which are subject to change at any time without notice. This does not analyse your financial position, investment objectives nor individual needs and must not be regarded as any advice for your financial planning.
  2. Number of years to Secondary Education: The age of Secondary Education in Malaysia is from 13 years until 17 years.
  3. The average yearly and total tuition fees for International School (Lower Range) are based on the average tuition fees released by Regent International School, Sayfol International School, Beaconhouse International School and Maz International School.
  4. The average tuition fees for International School (Higher Range) are based on tuition fees released by Garden International School, IGB International School, The Alice Smith School and Mont Kiara International School, International School of Kuala Lumpur and The British International School.
  5. The inflation rate is based on a 5-year average of Malaysia CPI (Consumer Price Index), 2014-2018 (Source: WEO (World Economic Outlook Database April 2019), updated as at April 2019).
  6. Secondary Education Goal Amount: This is the estimated amount required at the start of secondary education . It is calculated on inflation adjusted tuition
The following assumptions are used in the calculation of your child's education goal:
  1. General disclaimer on cost: The OCBC Children Education Calculator is designed to provide an illustration of potential future education cost based on information provided by you and does not take into consideration of your specific investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs. The illustration shall not be regarded as recommendation nor advice by the Bank. The actual cost may vary depending on economic situations. The information and analysis provided by this calculator are based on various assumptions, which are subject to change at any time without notice. This does not analyse your financial position, investment objectives nor individual needs and must not be regarded as any advice for your financial planning.
  2. Number of years to University Education: The age of University Education in Malaysia is from 19 years old onwards.
  3. Average tuition fees: The average tuition fees is based on the average of latest first-year General and Medicine degree cost released by a few universities of each country:
    1. Malaysia (Private University): Taylors University, Sunway University, HELP University, KDU University, Monash University, BAC and IMU
    2. United Kingdom: University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, and the Imperial College London
    3. Australia: University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, and University of Queensland
    4. USA: Stanford University, Columbia University, and the University of Pennsylvania
    5. Singapore: National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, and Singapore Management University
    6. Canada: University of Toronto, McGill University, and the University of British Columbia
    7. New Zealand: University of Auckland, University of Otago, Victoria University of Wellington
  4. Annual cost of living for overseas university education is based on the figures available in the respective universities’ website.
  5. Inflation rate for tuition fees and living cost for overseas university education is based on 5-year average published by statistic bureau for each country:
    1. Malaysia: Department of Statistics Malaysia CPI for Education, 2014-2018
    2. United States: Bureau of Labor Statistic CPI for Education and All, 2014-2018
    3. Canada: Statistic Canada CPI for Education and All, 2014-2018
    4. United Kingdom: Office for National Statistics data CPI for Education and All, 2014-2018
    5. Australia: Australia Bureau of Statistic CPI for Education and All, 2014-2018
    6. New Zealand: Statistic New Zealand CPI for Education and All, 2014-2018
    7. Singapore: Source: WEO (World Economic Outlook Database April 2019), 2014-2018
  6. Foreign exchange rate is based on the average exchange rate published by OFX from 2014-2018.
  7. University Education Goal Amount: This is the estimated amount required at start of university age. It is calculated based on inflation adjusted tuition fees and living cost.

What you have for ’s education today

Assets set aside for ’s education
The board rate for 12 months' Fixed Deposit rate is 3.00% p.a.
Cash in your savings account/-i and fixed deposits/-i for
Current market value of your unit trusts/-i and shares that you bought for ’s education.
Value of your certificate you bought for ’s education upon maturity
If you can’t remember the maturity value of your plan, you can also use amount you invested so far.
Can't remember?
Property investment
Properties you currently own
Net proceed
Sales proceed less outstanding loan and fees
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Based on your needs and assets,

You would have a of RM0

Your education goal
Age 0
Your current assets
Projected value of assets
Estimated investment returns
Your current assets
Your education goal
Projected value of assets
Estimated investment returns
Age 0
Show if I am ready  
Edit what I have today
 How was this calculated?
The following assumptions are used in the calculation of your child's education goal:
  1. General disclaimer: The OCBC Children Education Calculator is designed to provide only a general illustration of potential future education cost based on information provided by you and does not take into consideration of your specific investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs. The illustration shall not be regarded as recommendation nor advice by the Bank. The actual cost may vary depending on economic situations. The information and analysis provided by the calculator are based on various assumptions, which are subject to change at any time without notice. This does not analyse your financial position, investment objectives nor individual needs and must not be regarded as any advice for your financial planning.
  2. Investment: All investments (Shares and Unit Trust/-i) are liquidated at the starting age of respective stage of education. The dividends are assumed to be re-invested.
  3. Current value of savings/investment: This is the sum of lump-sum cash, lump-sum investment set aside for this goal.
  4. Projected value of savings/investments: This is the sum of projected values of current value of savings/investment/property or endowment set aside for this goal using the respective profit rate.

Investment approach(es) that best suits you
Choose ONE or BOTH approaches
In a disciplined manner
You prefer products such as endowment plan to help you grow your investment in a disciplined manner.
Tell us your preference
Monthly investment amount
Estimated profit rate
+2.0% p.a.
+5.0% p.a.
Note : *Rate of return is based on the low/high scenario of a limited pay universal Takaful endowment plan with 13 years policy term.
The rule of thumb is to invest at least [110 - your age] % of your savings. For example, if you are 30 years old, you should be investing 80% [110 - 30] of your savings
Return to top for this approach
To optimise returns
You prefer an investment portfolio that encompasses products such as unit trust/-i to provide you with potential capital and/or regular returns.
Tell us your preference
Complete the selections below
Lump sum investment amount
Estimated profit rate
-13.38% p.a.
+7.38% p.a.
+11.71% p.a.
Note : *Average rate of return of 7.38% p.a. based on historical performance of MSCI Islamic World Index (60%) and MSCI World Index (40%) from year 2013-2018.
The rule of thumb is to invest at least [110 - your age] % of your savings. For example, if you are 30 years old, you should be investing 80% [110 - 30] of your savings
Monthly Investment Amount
Estimated profit rate
-13.38% p.a.
+7.38% p.a.
+11.71% p.a.
Note : *Average rate of return of 7.38% p.a. based on historical performance of MSCI Islamic World Index (60%) and MSCI World Index (40%) from year 2013-2018.
The rule of thumb is to invest at least [110 - your age] % of your savings. For example, if you are 30 years old, you should be investing 80% [110 - 30] of your savings
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Based on your investment approach,

RM 0

Your education goal
Age 0
Your current assets
Projected value of assets
Estimated investment returns
Your current assets
Your education goal
Projected value of assets
Estimated investment returns
Age 0
How would my choices help me  
Edit my investment approach
 How was this calculated?
The following assumptions are used in the calculation of your child's education goal:
  1. General disclaimer: The OCBC Children Education Calculator is designed to provide only a general illustration of potential future education cost based on information provided by you and does not consider your specific investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs. The illustration shall not be regarded as recommendation or advice by the Bank. The actual cost may vary depending on economic situations. The information and analysis provided by the calculator are based on various assumptions, which are subject to change at any time without notice. This does not analyse your financial position, investment objectives nor individual needs and must not be regarded as any advice for your financial.
  2. Investment: All investments (Shares and Unit Trust/-i) are liquidated the starting age of respective stage of education. The dividends are assumed to be re-invested.
  3. Current value of savings/investment: This is the sum of lump-sum cash, lump-sum investment set aside for this goal.
  4. Projected value of savings/investments: This is the sum of projected values of current and additional value of savings/investment set aside for this goal using the respective profit rate.

We have crafted options for your consideration based on your preferred investment approach.

Options for
disciplined manner approach
No options for disciplined manner approach
We apologies as we could not find a suitable option for this approach.
Plan A
Policy Terms
Pay 5 or 7 years for
13 years coverage
Guaranteed Cash Payout (GCP)
Up to 47% of guaranteed benefits will be paid during the certificate term
Guaranteed Maturity Benefit
110% of total amount invested less total GCP paid, regardless of market conditions
Guaranteed Death & TPD Benefit
101% of total contribution paid less total GCP paid
Guaranteed Issuance
up to RM300,000 annual contribution
Plan B
Policy Terms
Pay 5 or 7 years for
13 years coverage
Guaranteed Cash Payout (GCP)
all benefits will be paid at maturity
Guaranteed Maturity Benefit
110% of total amount invested, regardless of market conditions
Guaranteed Death & TPD Benefit
101% of total contribution paid less total GCP paid
Guaranteed Insurance
up to RM300,000 annual contribution
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* Endowment is a medium term investment and it is not suitable for your goal's timeline
* This is the shortest policy term available and may not meet your goal's timeline
Options for
optimize returns approach
No options for optimize returns approach
We apologies as we could not find a suitable option for this approach.
Portfolio A
This portfolio aims to balance risk and returns.
50% Equities
50% Bonds
Top Sectors
Trading, Service and Ultilities
Asia excluding Japan
Risk Tolerance
Portfolio B
This portfolio aims to reach higher returns.
70% Equities
30% Bonds
Top Sectors
Consumer and Sukuk
Risk Tolerance
Moderate - High
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To ensure that the investment products you purchase meet your financial needs, we will perform a Financial Needs Analysis with you to assess your invesment and risk appetite.
Ready to put your investment approach into action?
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