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Our GRM staff support the Malaysian Association for the Blind (MAB) in cash and services

Our GRM staff support the Malaysian Association for the Blind (MAB) in cash and services

  • 27 Nov 2001

27 November 2021


Five of our Group Risk Management staff decided to quietly go the extra mile by taking time off their personal schedules to help the folks at MAB insert Christmas appeal letters into four boxes of envelopes! They also donated essential items worth RM625 to ease the burden felt during these trying times.

Beneficiaries: Malaysian Association for the Blind

People impacted: 37

OCBC Volunteers: 5

Amount contributed: RM625

What we gave: Detergent (dish washing liquid, detergent powder and floor cleaner), toiletries (such as toothpaste, soap bars and hand washes), sanitising products (hand sanitiser and sanitiser spray) and face masks