How do I qualify for the wealth bonus?
You need to invest in any eligible wealth product of at least the minimum amount with OCBC Al-Amin Bank. Only investments made from 18 December 2020 onwards will be eligible.
Note: To ensure that the product you invest meets your financial needs, our Relationship Manager will perform a Financial Needs Analysis with you in order to help you make an informed decision.
When will I receive the wealth bonus?
Payment starts the following month after either (i) the free look/cancellation period ends; or (ii) 14 days after the effective date of investment, whichever is later. Effective date of purchase refers to the inception date of the takaful product and trade date of Unit Trust-i
Effective date of investment |
Date after free look/cancellation period or 14 days after Effective Date of investment |
First month of wealth bonus |
1 January |
15 January |
January (Wealth bonus will be credited in February) |
20 January |
3 February |
February (Wealth bonus will be credited in March) |
How will I know that the base profit is credited to my OCBC Premier Booster Account-i?
Your base profit will be reflected in your Premier Wealth Report, Online Banking and Mobile Banking transaction history as PROFIT CREDIT.
How will I know that the wealth bonus is credited to my OCBC Premier Booster Account-i?
Your wealth bonus will be reflected in your Premier Wealth Report, Online Banking and Mobile Banking transaction history as WEALTH BONUS. If you close your account before the wealth bonus crediting date, the wealth bonus for the previous month will be forfeited.
Can I combine multiple wealth product investments of the same type to qualify for the wealth bonus?
Yes, you can, provided that you fulfil the conditions below:
- Effective dates of the investment after the free-look/cancellation period end or 14 days whichever is later must fall in the same calendar month. For example,
Effective date of investment |
Date after free-look/cancellation period or 14 days after Effective Date of investment |
Total investment amount |
Qualify for wealth bonus? |
Wealth Bonus is applicable to |
5 January 2021 RM5,000 lump sum investment in Unit Trust-i in Fund A with 2.75% sales charge |
19 January 2021 |
RM20,000 lump sum Unit Trust-i investment with 2.75% sales charge |
Yes Effective dates for both purchases after free-look/cancellation period or 14 days whichever later, fall in the same calendar month. |
First RM50,000 average daily balance |
15 January 2021 RM15,000 lump sum investment in Unit Trust-i Fund B with 2.75% sales charge |
29 January 2021 |
5 January 2021 RM5,000 lump sum investment in Unit Trust-i in Fund A with 2.75% sales charge |
19 January 2021 |
RM20,000 lump sum Unit Trust-i investment with 2.75% sales charge |
No Effective dates for both purchases after free-look/ cancellation period or 14 days whichever later, do not fall in the same calendar month. |
Not applicable |
28 January 2021 RM15,000 lump sum investment in Unit Trust-i Fund B with 2.75% sales charge |
11 February 2021 |
- Investment of the same wealth product meeting the minimum eligibility criteria. For example,
Effective date of investment |
Total investment amount |
Qualify for wealth bonus? |
Wealth Bonus is applicable to |
5 January 2021 RM50,000 lump sum investment in Fund A with 2.25% sales charge |
RM80,000 lump sum Unit Trust-i investment with 2.25% sales charge |
Yes |
First RM200,000 average daily balance |
15 January 2021 RM30,000 lump sum investment in Fund B with 2.25% sales charge |
Examples of investment which involve different sales charge or wealth products:
Effective date of investment |
Total investment amount |
Qualify for wealth bonus? |
Wealth Bonus is applicable to |
5 January 2021 RM70,000 lump sum investment in Fund A with 2.25% sales charge |
RM85,000 lump sum Unit Trust-i investment with different sales charge |
Yes Both purchases in total fulfilled the minimum eligible criteria of RM80k with min sales charge 2.25%. |
First RM200,000 average daily balance |
RM15,000 lump sum investment in Fund B with 2.75% sales charge |
5 January 2021 RM150,000 lump sum investment in Fund A with 2.25% sales charge |
RM290,000 lump sum Unit Trust-i investment with different sales charge |
Yes Both purchases in total fulfilled the minimum eligible criteria of RM200k with min sales charge 2.35%. |
First RM500,000 average daily balance |
15 January 2021 RM140,000 lump sum investment in Fund B with 2.75% sales charge |
5 January 2021 RM10,000 lump sum investment in Fund A with 2.25% sales charge |
RM25,000 lump sum Unit Trust-i investment with different sales charge |
No Sales charge for Fund A must be a minimum of 2.75% to be recognised as total eligible investment. |
Not applicable |
15 January 2021 RRM15,000 lump sum investment in Fund B with 2.75% sales charge |
What happens if I qualify for the wealth bonus more than once and the bonus periods overlap?
If you make multiple investments of eligible wealth products and qualify for wealth bonus more than once, for months which different bonus periods overlap, only one wealth bonus will be accorded and the bonus period with a higher bonus amount will be accorded.
Example 1
Effective date |
Wealth purchase |
Wealth bonus is applicable to |
1 January 2021 |
RM20,000 lump sum investment in Fund A with 2.75% sales charge |
First RM50,000 average daily balance from January to April 2021 |
3 March 2021 |
RM80,000 investment in Fund B with 2.25% sales charge |
First RM200,000 average daily balance from March to June 2021 |
For the overlapping months (March 2021 to June 2021), you will enjoy a maximum wealth bonus of 1.20% a year for the bonus period which accord the higher bonus amount, i.e., for the first RM200,000. You may refer to the illustration below.

Example 2
Effective date |
Wealth purchase |
Wealth bonus is applicable to |
1 January 2021 |
RM200,000 lump sum investment in Fund A with 2.75% sales charge |
RM200,000 average daily balance for 4 months from January 2021 to April 2021 |
1 March 2021 |
RM20,000 investment in Fund B with 2.75% sales charge |
First RM50,000 average daily balance for 4 months from March 2021 to June 2021 |
For the overlapping months (March 2021 to April 2021), you will enjoy maximum wealth bonus of 1.20% a year for the bonus period which accord higher bonus amount, i.e., for the first RM200,000. Thereafter, you will continue to enjoy the maximum wealth bonus of 1.20% a year for the bonus amount on the first RM50,000. You may refer to the illustration below.

How long can I enjoy the wealth bonus for if I qualify for it?
As long as you have invested in an eligible wealth product with an effective date of investment after either (i) the free-look/cancellation period ends; or (ii) 14 days whichever later, you will enjoy the wealth bonus according to the predetermined period below:
Eligible wealth product |
Wealth purchase |
Regular contribution takaful |
4 months for eligible wealth products purchased from 18 December 2020 onwards |
Unit Trust-i lump sum investment |
Do I continue to get this wealth bonus if I redeem my investments or when they mature?
Yes. You will continue to get this wealth bonus.
Do I continue to get this wealth bonus if I cancel my investment and/or policy during the free-look/cancellation period?
No, you will not be eligible for the wealth bonus. The wealth bonus is accorded for only after the effect date of purchase, after the free look/cancellation period of 14 days, whichever is later.
How can I pay for the eligible wealth products?
There are many ways to pay for eligible wealth products:
Takaful: Cash, credit card or Auto Debit (via OCBC account)
Unit Trust-i (lump sum investment): Cash, Auto Debit (via OCBC account) or EPF account for applicable funds
Where can I find more information on the eligible wealth products?
For the full list of eligible wealth products, please click here
For takaful, please click here
For Unit Trust-i, please click here
What are the financial products excluded from wealth bonus?
These are examples of financial products that do not qualify for wealth bonus:
Dual Currency Investment (DCI)
Financing Facility
Foreign Exchange (FX)
Takaful term plans
If I have multiple Premier Booster accounts-i, which account will my wealth bonus be paid to?
The wealth bonus will be paid to the account with the higher bonus amount. In the event the wealth bonus amount is the same for several accounts, then the wealth bonus will be paid to the account with the largest account number.